Steiner performs selections from Hollywood movies

May 11, 2019 – The Steiner Chorale performed multiple works from various Hollywood movies as their 3rd and final concert of their 51st season. The concert was held at the historic fellowship hall in Central United Methodist Church across from the capital building.  Solos were performed by members of the chorale. There was a silent action that occurred simultaneously with the event. All monies collected went to support the musical ventures of the chorale and to support the Ethel Armeling Vocal Scholarship Competition. Some selections included in the program were “Into the West” from Lord of the Rings, “Duel of the Fates” from Star Wars, choral excerpts from Frozen, and much, much more.  The concert was conducted by Corb H. Felgenhour. For more information on the Steiner Chorale go to

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